6 Summertime Savings Tips
The summer is a great time to get out, have fun in the sunshine, take road trips, and just take in life in ways you can’t during the cooler months. However, with the warmer weather often comes additional expenses. From higher energy bills to more spent on fuel, the few summer months have a way of quickly eating away at your budget. To help avoid those higher expenses and give you more money for your activities, here are six summertime savings tips.
1. Adjust The AC
This is where your energy bill really takes a hit. It’s not that you’re suddenly running a plethora of appliances more than in the winter. You’re running one: the AC. Running your AC can quickly double your energy bills. So when it comes to how to save money on power bill in summer months, you’ll want to put your thermostat to around 78 when you’re at home. If you’re out of the house, put it at 82. This small difference can make a world of difference and save you hundreds, just over the course of your summer.
2. Stay Closer To Home
The summer vacation road trip is a staple for many. However, it also quickly becomes expensive. Gas isn’t exactly cheap. So one of the ways to save money in the summer is to spend your vacation close to home. Maybe you just lounge around at the house, or perhaps you go camping at a local camping spot within an hour of your home. Chances are, you don’t need to go far to have a great summer.
3. Carpool
One of the best ways for how to save money over the summer is to carpool to work. Gas often becomes more expensive during the summer (especially during holiday weekends). Due to this, you should carpool to work. By driving to work yourself once or twice a week instead of five times you’ll save a good chunk of cash.
4. Cut Down On Energy Usage
Adjusting your AC will help save money, but it isn’t the only way to save money on electricity in the summer. Because your electricity bill will become higher with the AC on, you’ll want to find other ways to cut down on consumption. First, shut off your lights when not in use. Unplug cell phones and laptops from power outlets when not charging, and run your dishwasher without the heated dry feature. All of these are ways to save money on electric bill in summer months, which can help make up for your AC usage.
5. Buy Foods In Season
Buying foods out of season is expensive. These foods need to be shipped from either another corner of the country or another country altogether. By purchasing seasonal foods, you’ll save money on your grocery bill.
6. Adjust Water Heater Temp
Another of the energy saving tips for summer is to turn down your water heater temp. This eases the strain on your heater, saves you money, and extends the life of the appliance.
Save Money This Summer with Money 4 You Payday Loans
These are just six of the ways you can save money during the summer. However, should you find it difficult to make ends meet, or if you need a little extra cash for an upcoming trip, make sure to contact Money 4 You Payday Loans and see how our quick and easy payday loans can help you out. We are a locally owned and operated payday loan company with 22 locations in Utah. Give us a call today at 855-MY-MRMONEY.